Chimney Inspections

Trusted Chimneys Require Trusted Inspectors

Here at Trinity Chimney Service, our chimney and fire safety professionals follow the levels of inspection as outlined by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Their standard of care was implemented to establish a minimum standard that Trinity Chimney Service aims to exceed, each and every time.

NFPA not only states when a chimneys should be inspected, but also how. Read more about the different levels of inspection service we offer.

During a level 1 inspection, we will inspect any accessible area of the chimney above the roofline from the roof or a ladder. The fireplace or appliance and all accessible areas around will be inspected as well. We finish all appointments with a video scan of the chimney flue and will provide an initial inspection report for your records.

During a level 2 inspection, we will inspect the following areas: the attic, the chimney above the roofline, any accessible areas in or under the fireplace, and other necessary areas. The appliance or fireplace will be inspected inside and out, and we will finish up with a video scan of the flue attached to the appliance. An initial inspection report will be given at the time of the inspection, but a typed report with pictures will be emailed within 1 to 2 business days.

Real Estate Inspections require a level 2 inspection.

This level of inspection will vary depending on the reasoning for the inspection. It could include the removal of permanent portions of the chimney or home, and is reserved for situations when a level 1 or level 2 chimney inspection will not suffice. Our technicians will explain the reasoning and approach once the issue is expressed to the homeowner.

Trust Your Chimney By Scheduling An Inspection With Trinity Chimney Service

If it’s been more than a year since your last chimney inspection, or if you’re moving, changing appliances, relining your chimney, noticing a change in performance, or dealing with a recent chimney fire, contact Trinity Chimney Service for professional service.

Watch above to learn more about the inspection standards we follow for your safety.