Why a Chimney Cleaning is Perfect for the Spring

The chimney in your home is more than just a heating resource. It is critical to the overall functioning of the ventilation system. Keeping it clean removes obstructions that could contribute to health and safety hazards for the home. The spring is the perfect time to first schedule a chimney inspection and then a chimney cleaning for your home.

Hidden dangers

Accumulated creosote poses risks. The buildup can increase risks of a potential chimney fire in the home. The flammability factor is connected to the accumulation of creosote present in the chimney liner. You not only have to consider the creosote, but you also have to consider the small birds, insects and rodents that can obstruct the chimney. Clogging makes it difficult for toxins to escape normally.

Carbon monoxide

Carbon monoxide is an odorless substance responsible for approximately 200 deaths each year. the buildup of warm air combined with the fumes creates the environment for carbon monoxide poisoning. Reduces risks of carbon monoxide poisoning relies on the ability of the fumes to efficiently escape the chimney.

Understanding fire risks

According to the Chimney Safety Institute of America, more than 25,000 chimney fires happen each year. The end result is approximately $125 million annually estimated property damage. House fires are responsible for 70,000 house fires each year. It is estimated that $1.3 billion in property damage results from these house fires. The National Fire Protection Association estimates that nearly 30 percent of house fires can be attributed to chimney-related conditions.

How often should a chimney sweep be performed?

A chimney sweep clears the soot, creosote, and blockages from within the chimney. There are many components in the system that have to be removed during the process. The liner, smoke chamber, damper, and firebox have to be cleaned during the chimney sweeping process. Experts recommend that homeowners have their chimneys thoroughly cleaned each spring. If you use the fireplace, you need to have it swept on an annual basis. For optimal ventilation conditions, you should have chimney cleaning every year anyway just in case.

How long does the process take?

The process takes less than an hour to complete. Even with significant buildup, the process can take over 45 minutes to complete. If there is damage discovered during the cleaning process, then there may be some additional work that needs to be performed to minimize any present risks. If there is no damage to the flue, then you generally don’t have to worry about the process taking over an hour to complete.

Why not use chimney sweep logs?

Chimney sweep logs have chemicals that may be somewhat effective in cleaning out the chimney. Although they can remove some of the toxins, they aren’t quite a substitution for getting professional cleaning services. The exhaust produced from the logs remove the residue coating accumulated in the flue. The logs aren’t capable of providing a 100 percent effective chimney sweeping experience. Ideally, they should be used as a means to keep the chimneys clean in between professional chimney services.

Professional Chimney Cleaning

A professional who specializes in chimney sweeping is certified. The technician will not only clean the flue, but all things like the liner and the damper will be thoroughly cleaned as a part of the process. You will be able to improve the ventilation of the home by having it done regularly on an annual basis. In order to keep your home completely safe, you should consider having it cleaned every spring by certified professional chimney services.